Luka Bandwagon


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Been slowly builted Luka PC, and this my First BGS 9.5 PC.

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I remember one of the last boxes I ever busted was the retail version of that year's Prizm so I decided to go chasing the set and a lot of the subsets - guess the one card I never pulled - and still need to complete the set - a Luka base rookie! :-S

Real solid card and side PC.
I remember one of the last boxes I ever busted was the retail version of that year's Prizm so I decided to go chasing the set and a lot of the subsets - guess the one card I never pulled - and still need to complete the set - a Luka base rookie! :-S

Real solid card and side PC.

The base verion with out grading i think is reachable price for the set. :p
The base verion with out grading i think is reachable price for the set. :p
Hard to find a raw copy, plus it's not so much the price, it's what else I could buy at the same price point which tends to seduce me even more...

..and now all the Lakers fans are jumping on board the bandwagon too!
Hard to find a raw copy, plus it's not so much the price, it's what else I could buy at the same price point which tends to seduce me even more...

..and now all the Lakers fans are jumping on board the bandwagon too!
Agree, Happy ebay hunting that's where i got my.
Last year I pulled Lukas presentation from NBA hoops for my first one & Monday I pulled this seasons one so if its the last ones that I pull im glad that i started with Luka & ended with luka
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