Just trying to find a couple of decent photos of Luc Longley to send TTM. Having trouble finding any that are high enough resolution, I want to print them 8x10 size.
Alternatively I would look for a Longley Bulls jersey to get signed, but they seem to be rare as well.
Considering Luc wasn't a key player for the bulls, I don't there is much demand for his jerseys. Also the fact that Bill Wennington played more minutes that Luc means that if there's any photo's of him (outside of cards), there aren't that many.
Unfortunately there isn't many photos around of him that would print nicely in 8x10 mate. I could try to scan some out of his book for you, but I don't have a great scanner.
Considering Luc wasn't a key player for the bulls, I don't there is much demand for his jerseys. Also the fact that Bill Wennington played more minutes that Luc means that if there's any photo's of him (outside of cards), there aren't that many.
This is about the only decent shot I can find of him in the book "Six times as sweet".
Give me a couple of days and I can dig up my old One on One mags and sift through them for some shots you might be able to scan. Definitely a good chance of being a few in those since it was an Aussie mag and from the right era.