For Trade Low end 2024 traders.


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Looking to see if I can get trades for the following doubles I have. I am still after many pearls so message me what you have and other low end cards from this set.
These are my haves that are available
Pearls - 8, 147, 36, 150, 73, 144, 27, 63, 128, 101, 125, 39, 58, 18, 44, 86, 65, 96, 3, 105
Season to remembers - 20 (garrick), 35 (cleary), 4 (young),
Rising Stars - 25 (kiria-ratu), 54 (couchman), 14 (colquhoun), 39 (derby), 9 (soliola), 56 (muhleisen)
Sword and Shield - 10 (Kaufusi)
World League - 25 (Frizell)
Also have the following golds i would trade for low end cards if you need
Caitlan Johnson 118/210
Bradman Best 62/82
Looking to see if I can get trades for the following doubles I have. I am still after many pearls so message me what you have and other low end cards from this set.
These are my haves that are available
Pearls - 8, 147, 36, 150, 73, 144, 27, 63, 128, 101, 125, 39, 58, 18, 44, 86, 65, 96, 3, 105
Season to remembers - 20 (garrick), 35 (cleary), 4 (young),
Rising Stars - 25 (kiria-ratu), 54 (couchman), 14 (colquhoun), 39 (derby), 9 (soliola), 56 (muhleisen)
Sword and Shield - 10 (Kaufusi)
World League - 25 (Frizell)
Also have the following golds i would trade for low end cards if you need
Caitlan Johnson 118/210
Bradman Best 62/82
Hey mate. See what you need out of these. The Bula Sword and Shield is sold



Out of just your pearls I am after ;
7, 13, 14, 17, 19, 24, 51, 52, 93, 95, 100, 108, 115, 116, 120, 121, 131, 133,
Am sure there are season, rising stars and others I also need.
What are you after? Then I can check the others.
Out of just your pearls I am after ;
7, 13, 14, 17, 19, 24, 51, 52, 93, 95, 100, 108, 115, 116, 120, 121, 131, 133,
Am sure there are season, rising stars and others I also need.
What are you after? Then I can check the others.
I have this Club Hero Base also

Would happy trade :
I also need these
Season TR - Coates, Berry, Khan-P, Southwell
Rising Stars - Strange, Wilson, Hazelton, Biddle, Taylor, Smith, May, Smith , Wong
Women - Ciesolka

Would you be happy to do all these and the pearls I need for Best Gold?
Would happy trade :
I also need these
Season TR - Coates, Berry, Khan-P, Southwell
Rising Stars - Strange, Wilson, Hazelton, Biddle, Taylor, Smith, May, Smith , Wong
Women - Ciesolka

Would you be happy to do all these and the pearls I need for Best Gold?
Mate I no longer have the WNRL card. Has been traded. Have all the others still. Any interest in the Coates Club Hero as I could throw that in for the trade
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