I have missed this heated discussion for a good 3-4 days, here's my opinion. I think a major contributing factor to low prices (or at least the expectation of) is a result of the recent emergence of those firesale threads. While I am a big fan of these because I get to reload my stock for trading, it is driving down the general expectations on prices within this forum. I think people are expecting to only pay $1 for GUs (up to unlisted star level) and maybe $2 for semi-stars autos. The competition has driven the prices down and so when the higher end items come on, the buyers are just expecting the same sort of bargain prices.
I always believe in listing a price whenever you sell, because it makes things move along quicker. But I have also tried asking for offers before, I either get no offers or some really low ones. I don't take offense to low-balling or selling at ridiculous prices because I believe that's part of trading. I will just laugh at the offers and prices and may respond to express my views, but if I see an unbreachable gap then I will just leave it at that.
In terms of people flipping, everybody loves a bargain!! I will always buy a cheap card in the hopes of not selling it for a higher price, but instead trading it for a PC card of a higher price. It is all part of my strategy to stock up my trade bucket and grow my PC. I think that is perfectly acceptable, but I don't like people buying for short term gain. I think the focus should be growing a collection not making money, because if you are in this to make money, you will have a hard time doing that!!