Lost - Spoilers

It made me wonder who was lying to who: Ben to Juliet and the Others or Juliet to Jack and the survivors, when she said that the Looking Glass was abandoned and flooded after an accident there. And strange that from the looks of it, it's manned only by women..
And strange that from the looks of it, it's manned only by women..

That was the first thing I contemplated afterwards!!

But remember the sub was blown up! So, maybe they can't get out now????

I think they are on the way, Ben looked really pissed off after the Locke incident, and was scary.
Note, he lied about what Jacob wanted!!!!
Jacob wanted "help". But Ben, said he wanted to go take the women right away. Ben's a liar!
Sorry for going off-topic again, but I'm on the "Azureus" site now, and was wondering which version of it I should download if I want to watch Lost online? There's version 1.5, 2.5 and 3.0, from what I can see... Can anyone help, please?
Sorry for going off-topic again, but I'm on the "Azureus" site now, and was wondering which version of it I should download if I want to watch Lost online? There's version 1.5, 2.5 and 3.0, from what I can see... Can anyone help, please?

Latest one is usually the best. You can't watch it "online" per se, but without going into detail find a web site with instructions or if you can't figure it out shoot me a PM, but I'm on prac at the moment so will be hard for to reply quickly.
Sorry for going off-topic again, but I'm on the "Azureus" site now, and was wondering which version of it I should download if I want to watch Lost online? There's version 1.5, 2.5 and 3.0, from what I can see... Can anyone help, please?

try to check zeropaid dot com for more instructions, they have alot of third party software and instructions how to use p2p, not pirated..

hope that helps
Argh... We go down another road that leads to more complications and no real answers....

I don't think we will find out anymore about the looking glass or Jacob until next season now. There can't be too many left on the season, does anyone know exactly how many are left?
2 x 1 hour episodes = 2 hour season finale. It will revolve around Jack and someone will die..

Cheers! :thumbsup: What the hell are we gonna do in the off-season! No Nba, no Lost, prison Breaks over and Heroes (which I will be watching tonight :D ) is now over too!
HaHa Jase, I've got the Heroes finale sitting beside me and will be watching it tonight as well! Just as soon as wifey gets home from the gym. I'm so tempted to have a peek..
HaHa Jase, I've got the Heroes finale sitting beside me and will be watching it tonight as well! Just as soon as wifey gets home from the gym. I'm so tempted to have a peek..

Ha, I have a basketball game on at 7.30-8.30 so have to wait till after! Basketball is one of the biggest part of my lives since I was 6 and I can't believe I contemplated getting a fill-in to play for me! Thats how good Heroes is! LOL :worthy:
well, 24 is finsihed, heores is finsihed, lost is finished..

it's summer time in US.. the best we can check is big brother USA :lol:

i will be checking out basketball games (about 90GB left to check, so i think it's all good with me hehehe).

FYI, i think heroes won't be taking a big break, i heard there's gonna be a vote for next heroes, dunno how it will come up... for next 2 seasons, we can vote and check out the new heroes and the producers will include viewers' favourite?? lame, but that's what i heard (not read)... google with heroes:origins..
Talk about a kick to the crotch! One things JJ Abrams knows how to do is make a cliffhanger. Not so many answers revealed and so many more questions raised! The flash-forwards were an interesting touch for Jack, where we get to see him in a completely different light. Who was in the coffin? I have a feeling it may have been Ben..? And I think Mikhail is a cyborg. The part with Hurley and Sawyer saving Sayid, Jin and Bernard was the best. And Charlie, as much as I knew it was going to happena nd wanted it to happen, I was actually a bit sad when he died..
Anyway, what are your thoughts? Lots of things to discuss!
It's unclear about flash-forwards.. but they look really weird haha...

I definitely thought the obituary is about John Locke (man of faith, man of science), coz he killed people cruelly on the island, they have differences, but Jack actually loves Locke deeply... (my guess :lol:)

in the end, Jack said "we have to go back, kate".. meaning, being Locke is dead.. he knew Locke was right... or whatever.. and Jack wishing to crash on the island again.. by using his unlimited pass... sydney, singapore and around where the island should have been...

i reckon.. Ben, ultimately, will die on the island..

the only question answered actually... they are not between heaven and hell...!!!!

too bad Hot Naomi is dead... :lol:

I don't understand Charlie is dead.. coz if Charlie is dead, they will be rescued.. a chopper will come.. that's what Desmond said, wasn't it???
clearly, the producers extend their show until 2009-10 season, so i was hoping Charlie didn't die easily... :(

Carefully chosen moto new mobile is awesome.. :) coz firstly, i was just gotten into flash-back basics.. not flash-forwards.. :p
I think it was what Ben said to Jack in the finale that has made him want to go back. When he said to Jack something like: Why do you want to go back there (the real world), what's left for you back there? And the fact that in the flash-forwards Jack thinks his Dad is still alive. I guess maybe it's the drugs, maybe not..? I keep thinking it was Ben in the coffin but then it doesn't make sense to me, why would Jack think that Kate would have gone to the funeral. Surely he would've known she hated him so it was obviously someone they both had some connection (cared) about at some time.

And the whole Charlie thing, Desmond said in one of his flashes he saw Charlie flip a switch, the light goes off, then he drowns and they're rescued. However the number he puts in the keypad seems more like he was calling out somewhere, not flipping a switch. And the chances that Penny is right there as soon as the jammer goes off? I guess she did have a rough idea of where Desmond might have been after the last season finale..

And Naomi, I have a feeling Penny's dad, Charles Widmore is the one that sent her. I can't think of any other people/groups that know about Desmond (The Army, but he was discharged right?) As far as I know the Others didn't really know about him either, even though he was working in the station with the magnetic field generator. He's still cool though..
Naomi could be from either original Dharmma initiative or Charles Whitmore...

If Ben and Richard (if not age, if ageing, maybe Richard's father).. killed original Dharmma initiative people, (Horace and Co...).. i wonder why they were still getting parachuted food and stuff?? I remember they got big boxes frequently...

i know many questions have been raised.. but more confused if we think about something else in the previous episodes too :P

But we all know Penny will show up in the finale and make all the theories go wrong.. thats what they do :(

now, time to dig old NBA games and watch some movies..

shrek, POTC III (last night i went to cinema, all booked and bunch of people there..), HP and TOOP... should be fun..
Oh man, what a thrill ride that was!!!!

Walt came back.

Desmond was right.

Penny was on the other end of tha transmission? And it's not her boat!!!!

Ben had what's coming to him, and then, he was right. Jack didn't do the right thinh, Niomi is playing for a differnt team.

The Patch eye guy is harder to kill than Rambo!!!

Ben is such a nasty fellow, Jacob needs help, and not giving those orders he suggests.
Could it be Sawyer in the casket?

I mean, he had no one left? And if my memory serves me correctly, he said to Jack "because you are the closest thing I got to family". Aaaawwwww.

And would explain the Kate thing.
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