Looking for specific hot oddbodz cards.

Luke Spy

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hi all,

my name is Luke I'm looking to complete oddbodz collections. I am looking for HOT cards mainly and orange glow in the original series. here are a list of the cards I am in need of:

Oddbodz original series HOT cards I am looking for

1.staring Sara

2.mystery kid


4.snoop doggy do

5.monster buns



16.ghosty girl

21.muscles mcbeef



33.mr surprise

37.butt mama

46.ms mesmeriser


48.screecher teacher

49.ms mathematic

52.artia Fartia


59.mr impossible

61.doc fever

Space Series oddbodz HOTs I am looking for:

3.unitwit of Uranus

6.hypno puncher of pluto

45.frogulox jr

49.spiral nerdula

Space oddbodz orange glow I am looking for:

23.Big boss mini world

38. Flarto the foul


I am also looking for red glow original set

If anyone can be kind enough to let me know what they are thinking of selling and how much they would like in return I would love to hear from you.

Cheers all

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Hi Luke I have just found a stash of these at my parents place and have the space hot card 59. I also have a heap of the normal space cards if you need any of these.

Hi Luke I have just found a stash of these at my parents place and have the space hot card 59. I also have a heap of the normal space cards if you need any of these.


Hi Ag

Sorry for late reply wasn't monitoring my email, I would love to buy the hot card from you. I have doubles of all the normal space ones so no real need for them.

Let me know what you are wanting for the hot card by itself and how much do you want for the whole lot. We can go from there.


Hi Luke sorry for my late reply. I have also found Hot Card #40 if you still need it. Am happy to post them both out to you for $15 if you would like?
hi all,

my name is Luke

I am looking to complete my 'HOT' sets of ORIGINAL oddbodz and oddbodz SPACE cards.

Original set HOT cards required are:


Space set HOT cards required are:


I am also looking for red glow original set
And orange glow space cards too. Although I do have a large amount of orange glow space I don't have a list handy, so

If anyone can be kind enough to let me know what they are thinking of selling and how much they would like in return I would love to hear from you.

Cheers all


I have HOT Space cards 3, 38, 48, 51 and 60

If interested let me know
Also have 2, 15, 17, 26, 27, 61

Sorry if it's a bit late but I don't seem to get notifications for this site.

I am interested in number 3 space HOT as I have the other ones however i would like to know how much you are looking for the single card as well as how much you would want for all of them?

Thanks in advance

hi all,

my name is Luke I'm looking to complete oddbodz collections. I am looking for HOT cards mainly and orange glow in the original series. here are a list of the cards I am in need of:

Oddbodz original series HOT cards I am looking for

1.staring Sara

2.mystery kid


4.snoop doggy do

5.monster buns



16.ghosty girl

21.muscles mcbeef



33.mr surprise

37.butt mama

46.ms mesmeriser


48.screecher teacher

49.ms mathematic

52.artia Fartia


59.mr impossible

61.doc fever

Space Series oddbodz HOTs I am looking for:

3.unitwit of Uranus

6.hypno puncher of pluto

45.frogulox jr

49.spiral nerdula

Space oddbodz orange glow I am looking for:

23.Big boss mini world

38. Flarto the foul


I am also looking for red glow original set

If anyone can be kind enough to let me know what they are thinking of selling and how much they would like in return I would love to hear from you.

Cheers all


Hi Luke

I have these as follows

complete set of original series with many many doubles/triples etc
(including doubles of Doc. Fever)

HOTS are:
58 impossiguru
57 3 leg racer
52 ms artia fartia
46 ms mesmerizer
45 bullet woman
36 terry triangle
24 mr flippy
12 dumb devil
6 myron megabrain
2 mystery kid (is actually a 'blue fever' card. Just i had no idea i was meant to send it in to receive a complete set of orange glo cards) *sad face
1 staring sara

I also have almost the entire set of space oddbodz. However am missing #8 & #22. Pretty much half of this set is HOT though

HOTS are:
1 jock of jupiter
2 stella of saturn
3 unitwit of uranus
4 Vanessa of venus
7 moon mummy
10 hedley brainstorm jr
12 daniiiii spacehippy
13 vanni-t (doubles in hot)
15 pinhead armstrong
16 rear admiral headbutt
17 wee willy wimpy machobot
20 anti gravbot
21 fifis science project
25 rock chomper
26 disco boghops
34 general alarm
36 franken fighter
37 inside outa
39 slime shooter
40 megaLega
41 monopod boggler
42 quivering blorb
43 space dododo
44 swapalots
45 frogulox jr
47 space surfer
48 dogatello (i have 2 of. But all the HOTs so far have had hot written at bottom... 1 of these cards has it written at bottom & the other has "hot" written within the picture like the original sets were)
50 pie in the sky
54 innoia & outoid
58 skips of meltania
Hi all.

I'm looking for hot 57 Three Leg Racer from the original series.

I have the following hots for trade:
Original series: 07, 15, 25, 27, 33, 40, 44, 52, 55, 60.
Space series: 06, 17, 23, 26, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 45, 47, 55, 57, 58.

I can provide photos of the above cards.
I have 3 Hypervision oddbodz Hyperheads #22 Skid Marx
Glowzone #48 Vanessa of Venus
Footy Great Grant
if any help.
hi all,

my name is Luke I'm looking to complete oddbodz collections. I am looking for HOT cards mainly and orange glow in the original series. here are a list of the cards I am in need of:

Oddbodz original series HOT cards I am looking for

1.staring Sara

2.mystery kid


4.snoop doggy do

5.monster buns



16.ghosty girl

21.muscles mcbeef



33.mr surprise

37.butt mama

46.ms mesmeriser


48.screecher teacher

49.ms mathematic

52.artia Fartia


59.mr impossible

61.doc fever

Space Series oddbodz HOTs I am looking for:

3.unitwit of Uranus

6.hypno puncher of pluto

45.frogulox jr

49.spiral nerdula

Space oddbodz orange glow I am looking for:

23.Big boss mini world

38. Flarto the foul


I am also looking for red glow original set
If anyone can be kind enough to let me know what they are thinking of selling and how much they would like in return I would love to hear from you.

Cheers all


Still after them?
hi all,

my name is Luke I'm looking to complete oddbodz collections. I am looking for HOT cards mainly and orange glow in the original series. here are a list of the cards I am in need of:

Oddbodz original series HOT cards I am looking for

1.staring Sara

2.mystery kid


4.snoop doggy do

5.monster buns



16.ghosty girl

21.muscles mcbeef



33.mr surprise

37.butt mama

46.ms mesmeriser


48.screecher teacher

49.ms mathematic

52.artia Fartia


59.mr impossible

61.doc fever

Space Series oddbodz HOTs I am looking for:

3.unitwit of Uranus

6.hypno puncher of pluto

45.frogulox jr

49.spiral nerdula

Space oddbodz orange glow I am looking for:

23.Big boss mini world

38. Flarto the foul


I am also looking for red glow original set

If anyone can be kind enough to let me know what they are thinking of selling and how much they would like in return I would love to hear from you.

Cheers all

Hi Luke, I have full set of GLO Oddbodz in excellent condition, 51 space cards with doubles and 9 twisted oddbodz cards. Cheers Barbara



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