Live nostalgia break - 94/95 Finest series 2

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Pack 13

Collegiate Best BJ Armstrong
Byron Houston
Reggie Williams
Mike Brown
Reggie Williams (great...)
Terry Davis
Vinny Del Negro
Final 6, from front left. Still due another refractor and Lottery Prize

Pack 19

Collegiate Best Christian Laettner
Adam Keefe
Harvey Grant
Oliver Miller
Harvey Grant (c'mon)
Harold Ellis
Collegiate Best Glenn Robinson
Pack 21

Collegiate Best Jalen Rose
Collegiate Best Glen Rice
Derek Strong
David Robinson
Derek Strong (this is ridiculous)
Harvey Grant
Jay Humphries
Pack 23

Lottery Prize Vin Baker
Dominique Wilkins
Terry Davis
Olden Polynice
Terry Davis (it's always one card away, this is stupid)
Derek Strong
Collegiate Best Rony Seikaly
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