id like to know whos who? please let us know of ya name in the leauge.
hillshuskies - metallica
mavsman crew - mavs man
vlads badfish - vlade
haggardtool420 - haggardtool
better on paper -
Ducky All stars - duckypoo
westside -
amsterdam spliffs -
outlaw is the law -
hack a shaq 3 -
old skool - masterlee
let it reign -
pure vinatge - chadjaja
hooysadaddy spankas - allstar cards inc
oestragen - tighty whiteys
magicmen - magicman
also i think one of them is billyhoyles team, if he cant delete that we may have a problem..
not to worry ruckers, if billy doesnt return tonight and we find out who everyones team is, we will put all your players into his name. you can use his profile and pword if he allows it, if not and he cant delte it then we have a problem, but it will be fine for now......