9:30pm the draft, still need word or a list from mavsman, haggard and clarkey!
1. Chadjaja (attending)
2. Jvalles69 (list left)
3. Masterlee (attending)
4. Mavsman
5. Magicman (attending)
6. Vlade Levinsky (attending)
7. Ruckers (attending)
8. Tighty Whiteys (atending, using chads chat name, so together)
9. All star cards inc (attending)
10. MetallicA (attending)
11. White_Chocolate_55 (attending)
12. Lippo (attending)
13. Haggardtool
14. Prototype (attending)
15. Duckypoo (attending)
16. Clarkescards
these members please get this message!!