cant believe i didnt see this till now
. thnx for all the nice words guys
. yeh it was the last box of the night, and closed up on a super high
. it was from 2009-19 Upper Deck hobby. and the card was the UD Signature Colletion of Michael freakin Jordan
(see Jaames' post above for the video link). was battling with arthy on that one
. i was actually PRAYING id pull a Derrick Rose auto, Melo Auto, or heck even a Al Jefferson wouldve been acceptable
. but dayyyng, nearly had a heart attack when aaron teased me with his hysterik disbelief of what the "next card" was
(u can tell by what i typed when it was pulled
thnx guys
, and thanks aaron aka
thisisselling for the opportunity to bust for us, and pull some awesome mojo is just bonus