Legacy 2023

Pretty happy with my 2nd box though
My other box, to say I’m disappointed is an understatement, I’m pi$$ed off. I know busting you can have luck or no luck, but every box hit was interstate and the rookies were rubbish.


Blues Plat almost pays for the box itself, but yeah disappointing 😞
No one has 5k to spend on a card anymore, it'll be around the 2k mark soon enough. There's 100 of them isn't there? Heaps
I reckon you may get 1 at that price possibly but yeah I reckon and overtime who knows . I still think a few will sell at $3000 you can use Afterpay for $3000. And knowing card collectors and that limit I reckon that maybe the new norm for some of the higher end series 2 cards.
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