Kobe Bryant Autograph!


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The Twins reply Carlos.

there arte many of these autographics out there...all kobe topps autos that are autographed with a silver pen are very fishy.the autograph doesn not match good. the "K" looks like the "K" of his 98-99 TSC co signers autographs, but he did not made that "K" on many cards.what is strange to me is the "E" at the end...it is not good swinged. after the "E" the penline goes straight down..thats not kobe style.the auto in all look not real to me. i think there is someone who has got kobe topps autos that were unautographed (from a topps worker or something like that) and he signed the cards himself.
i would never buy this kobe topps auto with a silver pen..if you are looking at other kobe topps auto with a blue pen, they are looking al real..all autos with a silver pen looks fake.

yeh i wouldnt buy it
looks fake
for 50 bux i wouldnt risk it

however, it is an earlier autograph, so he may have been developing his sig (look at lebrons since he started)
so it could be real,

id say i think ther a 70% chance its fake
I didn't end up paying for it coz the seller wouldn't respond. (discountcardz)

He copped 10 neutrals from me lol.
lol I just noticed something funny about this thread. Jimbo said: the "K" and "Y" are sharp on that auto, whereas his regular auto is wavy and has curves. fake! i think at least..

hehehe there is no Y in Kobe

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