Kidd05's Collection For Sale

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Hopefully this randlesportsdude doesn't give me probs... but based on his feedback it should be alright. Paypal too so even better.

Gotta love frustration bid fights! :lol:
last minute bids on the marion jumped form 9 to 15 and the ming from 48 to 52 lol. that guy is buying up heaps 'save on postage and hassle' :)

WOW. He is seriously taking every auto. hed have to be a yank.
hope their are no troubles with him
He doesn't have a negative on any of his feedback where he was the buyer... but thanks for praying man!

He has bought HEAPS lately based on his feedback.
maybe hes just a richboy that has nothing better to do then throw his money at everything. is the bosh the only one he hasnt won.
if hes legit he has given you alot of dosh
the melo just got a bid from nate and went to 143.
i expect this to be a frantic few minuted.. that nate has had verything stolen from randle dawg so expect him to go hard at it. :)
$153 already... on the WAde too. And to think I was selling that for $80 here.

This is more scarier than it is fun.. hehe!
hes even taking Maglore of all people. WOW
this is intense and quite fun :cool:

wheres jvalles take it off him you collect SOS
Jonno mate Im seriously scared now hehe. Ive sold most at double the price I paid for... and to one person!

$182 on the Wade?
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