But, "OOOh, they're white, I'm white, so they MUST be picking on me too..."
Can't be racist as you are part of the majority.
But, "OOOh, they're white, I'm white, so they MUST be picking on me too..."
I'm well aware of the fact that they're sponsored by KFC but still, there's other ways to sell the stuff.
As for the Klan thing, like I said; rumors. I don't beleive he was affiliated with them, just pointing out why it might be deemed even more offensive than what it is. At the end of the day when you take it for it's face value, a white man is defusing an 'awkward' situaion by offering a bucket of chicken to a crowd of black people. African American or not, they were never from Africa in the first place? Africa is not home of the black man?
The thing with these kinds of topics, there's no point drifting off talking about this other add or that other add, forget all that two wrongs does or does not make a right stuff, we're talking about this specific add.
Whether or not it is racist, some people have taken offence to it and I think, and in my opinion, it's rightfully so. It's controvercial, whether light hearted or not, it's not necessary.
Can't be racist as you are part of the majority.
Africa is the ancestral home of the black man, true. But it's also starting point of the white and any other colour man on earth right now, which people seem to ignore. And sure, there's other ways to sell stuff. Hell, just make it good enough that it sells itself, there's a novel idea for companies... But either way, anyone CAN get precious about just about ANYTHING, doesn't mean you HAVE to. Hell, my mum was shocked by the Pure Blonde ad where the dove runs into the painted wall. Her right to? I suppose so, but still precious in the eyes of most people, myself included. If every ad that offended someone was taken off air, TV stations would go bust.
Yep, that's a good point. The thing is, I'm not overly offended by it, but I can understand why people would be or could be. That's their right, what offends one person may not offend the next. That thing about the Dove, from animal lovers stand point I could see the concern there but that's another subject altogether.
A world without Adds, just imagine it. No longer being programmed to buy stuff that we don't need, like artery clogging fried chicken...