Just when you thought Western Australia was the lucky state .....

soo they take forever to get to ur house for an actual crime BUT they have time to fine a lady for pushing her pram and talking on the phone????.....jeez my sisters would owe alot of it was like that

they get paid for fining people over useless crap did the cop that do it get the sack?
What about the baby!, there's Child Endangerment here, we all know that you can run off the footpath and into traffic while being distracted talking & texting etc etc!.
Can't help but feel there is more to the story, as there is no way a Senior Constable would misinterpret that law.

Theres more information here:


that a lot of other sites aren't reporting, such as that this happened April last year and the officer in question has been disciplined and it has been marked in his performance record. I don't think its worthy of being sacked, the fine has been withdrawn, no harm no foul.
Sadly talking on your mobile or listening to music as a pedestrian might become a fine offense in VIC as too many people get hit my trams and cars in the cbd without watching.

Also the police force is useless cause the politicians made it useless. they no longer have the power to beat down a delinquent so no one is scared of them.
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