jkidd05 gets: $
@taffster74 gets:
2008-09 exquisite collection /125 Gerald Wallace
2017-18 totally certified fabric of the game red /199 lamarcus Aldridge
2019-20 panini prizm choice red /88 lamarcus Aldridge
2022-23 panini chronicles luminence autographs blue /75 patty mills
2023-24 panini recon glorified signatures blue /75 patty mills
2023-24 topps chrome negative refractor Kevin Garnett
All good mate?
@taffster74 gets:
2008-09 exquisite collection /125 Gerald Wallace
2017-18 totally certified fabric of the game red /199 lamarcus Aldridge
2019-20 panini prizm choice red /88 lamarcus Aldridge
2022-23 panini chronicles luminence autographs blue /75 patty mills
2023-24 panini recon glorified signatures blue /75 patty mills
2023-24 topps chrome negative refractor Kevin Garnett
All good mate?