It's been a while since I did one of these (scan heavy)


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After selling off a bunch of cards and re investing it into some of the PC here are some of the highlights from the past few months.

Some nice Autos

A Massive massive shout out to @drob50 for this little beauty which rocked up very unexpectantley, cannot thank you enough man loving this card!

Couple of highlights for some set chases.

K Love PC has been very quiet recently managed to pick this up though

Finally onto the main DH12 PC

This one 1/2 (the 2/2 will be in my next mailday ;) )

Something a lil exquisite

To finish it off a couple of Ultimates which may be some of my favourites in the collection
Nice clean card design /20

Killer Jumbo Patch /50

Thanks for checking them out
Can't seem to like twice...

Fantastic couple of exquisites! Love the jumbo D12 patch.

Big pickup's with the Lebron and KD too. Gotta be happy with all them Dwight's though :woot:
That's a damn fine haul Bru!

I was gonna bid on that TT tag for you but was worried I would be competing, lol turns out I was right!

Magic and Bill ftw!!
Those Ultimates are um, ultimate! I'm ever so slowly assembling that Team USA patch set too - will try for the 3 colours though on each one!
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