I've been going through a little lull in card buying lately but splurged the past week.
After having the 2 exquisite MJ's incoming i still had an urge for more MJ so i hit Norm up to see if he'd be nice enough to sell me back an auto i sold to him a few months back and luckily for me he said yes!
Cheers Brad, while i like the UL for now i have my sights set on a Limited Logo's of MJ of some sort. Something with a filthy patch and nice auto but down the track who knows
HAHA yeah getting glory and praise twice on the one card, milking it I suppose Norm even ran a mailday on it
Seriously beautiful looking card Nick, stupid question for most, what year is that from because I am feeling I need to seek out a Kobe from that set! Stunning card like all of the ultimate sigs
HAHA yeah getting glory and praise twice on the one card, milking it I suppose Norm even ran a mailday on it
Seriously beautiful looking card Nick, stupid question for most, what year is that from because I am feeling I need to seek out a Kobe from that set! Stunning card like all of the ultimate sigs
Cheers Nicko, it was going to be one for grading then had to get some quick cash. Glad i could get it back, it'll be going to BGS with our next batch :v:
Cheers Nicko, it was going to be one for grading then had to get some quick cash. Glad i could get it back, it'll be going to BGS with our next batch :v:
she's back home is she mr nick ?? nice addition buddy, sweet looking cards. got me a lebron in the same set incoming soon hopefully. nice pickup, or nice RE-pickup .