I collect anything bradley Beal, Jan Vesely, Bismack Biyomobo and Norris Cole

Got these mate!

PM me if keen.

Why do you have a picture of MY card as your display ? Thats my Bismark Tag 1/1 !!

I have reported you to Mods for Harassment aswell for what you said to me through PM.
Dude it's a free country and your 1/1 I like, you on the other hand are A child. This post on my want list is - "harassment!" But I don't really care!
You never asked my permission , Members will see that both of us have a 1/1 tag and what will they think ?

You called me a F***tard and when I said I would report you then you quickly edited your post .
Hm for the porter I'm not chasing him as hard as other three but I can always be tempted
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