Huge personal mojo gift for me today!


On the way back!
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Lets just for a sec pretend that most of us are like Mavsman and live in redneck country where most people think this sums up most art. :lol:


Now fast forward a few hundred years where one of my lucky relatives hands this over to the Antiques roadshow appraiser that he is next in line to get the lowdown on his great uncles favorite piece.


Not expecting much he gets this.

"Ohhhh oohh I think we have something quite special here! Rather a outstanding piece and yes, yes there it is down the right hand side. Its a Tracy Bambling! :shock: =D> =D> And marked 1/1 too! You say you inherited this piece?? Well I hope you have it somewhere prominent. Its one of Bambling's earliest NBA portraits oil paintings done on a canvas board probably around the 2006-2007 period. Bambling of courese went on to considerable fame in the Australian art community and has many paintings hanging up in art galleries around the world. Its a beautiful piece that brings out the warmth in the subject who I admittedly don't know a lot about. Great small line brush technique and blending and mixing of the skin tones. Note the great hair showing us the subject was most probably from around the 1970's":lol:

"I hope you have this insured as original Tracy Bambling oil portraits are most sought after. I'd recommend you get this one insured for around say the $20,000 dollar mark that I can easily see it reaching in auction. It really is a sensational piece and I thank you for bringing it. Its really bought me much joy and made my day jolly good." =D>

being a celtic makes this piece of art truling amazing but put the signature of australians best artist tracey on it and now it must be must be so proud to hang that picture up chad and looking at a celtic everyday will make you head of to work with a smile.and great painting tracey it looks wonderful =D> .
tony:D :D
what a great painting,nice work tracy,and im sure chad,you will find a wall for that,maybe at mavs

Thanks for the bedtime story Chad, oh and tell tracy she nailed that hondo painting. Girrrrrls got skills=D>

Q- is that chick wearing a shower cap in that pick or is that the new trend in Mel?
Very nice Chad, and great job Tracy. Now i really cant wait for mine- and hope everyone will be looking forward to some Shaqartmail!!
Wow what a nice gift and a great painting.

I really envy anyone who can paint like that! I have trouble doing a kids water colour painting, the ones where all you have to do is wet the brush and go over the picture. I struggle with that, so to do something as nice as!

Great stuff Tracy

yeah guys pretty rapt with the gesture and the painting itself. This is getting framed and on the wall :-D

Thanks again Trace for the fantastic piece. What a great place ozcards can be. :-D
Fantastic Tracey. That's awesome!!
You have such a skill there!!!!

Could not get any better.... well perhaps if it was Devin Harris... lol.

As for the tin-house, redneck comments. Is it true that I'm going to visit you this weekend in LORNCESTON???..... nuff said...
Nice work on the chaption Chad...Just loved it got a good laugh

I watch the antique roadshow and some people come up with unique stuff.

Thanks everyone on your comments....
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