How to tell if its a refractor


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I received some cards in a deal of Topps Finest/topps chrome and trying to work out if they are base or base refractors. they all still have the protective peel/remove coating..
any help would be great. thanks
Hold them up to/near a light source (EDIT: So you can still see the card surface, lol), and move them around a little, and see if there's a "rainbow" like reflection that comes back. EDIT AGAIN: Depending on the colours of the card, it's usually in the form of oranges, yellows, reds, greens, purples, etc. (bit like a rainbow, ha ha).

I don't have any on me, but I can do a scan later of a couple, else jump on ebay and search for refractor.

Else, post scans/pics of what you've got, and we'll let ya know!!
Some will have R with a circle around it on the back or it will say REFRACTOR on the rear of the card in small writing but there are some that have nothing so work off what Scotty & Karl have said.
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