How much have you spent on your Collection?

Spent a fortune on the old Bogut collection, Sold it to make way for our US trip.

Busted many many boxes and buy things I like more so these days.

Mrs loves busting boxes with me and loves seeing different boxes and products come out. But she's a girl and everytime I see/get a nice card/collectable, she's like where's my handbag. :)

She also loves it's the inner kid in me and seeing me get excited when a customer or me busts a huge card.
Easy spend her money and when she complains remind her how much she spend, iTunes, shoes, clothes and did I mention shoes
itunes????? you clearly dont have enough asian friends to help u to save in that department ;)
itunes????? you clearly dont have enough asian friends to help u to save in that department ;)
I personally would rather pay for music on itunes so that I can stream it anywhere and redownload it whenever-wherever. I only wish some bands would get on itunes. (Im looking at you TOOL!)
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