Home made cards and designs

do you plan on making these for TTM?

I like all the designs as they are, except for the triple autograph. IMO, you should try to add some kind of texture to the black, so it isn't simply a solid color. Also, I think the that the YOUNG GUNS name would look nicer with a different font - something more stylized. Try dafont.com for picking up new fonts, otherwise if you are going to use Photoshop, I suggest you try something other than a basic font.

BTW, I don't know if you view the basketball message boards on here, but I've been designing a bunch of cards lately and posting them on the BKB boards and my blog.

Here are a few links and images to what I've done, based on 90's styled inserts:
m1000 custom cards GALLERY « HUPE ROYALTY





They are sweet as! Love the 90's feel about them :)
you cant do it in photobucket, you do it with the pen tool in adobe photoshop cs5. thats called a render takes ages but you get a better output.

is there a cheaper version cause It's a bit pricey at $50 a month
is there a cheaper version cause It's a bit pricey at $50 a month

There are multiple programs that can do renders - adobe photoshop cs5 being the most popular - however not the only one. I dont use that one personally. I use Macromedia Fireworks (not sure if you can download that one anymore as it is fairly aged), in fact i know the company Corel make a few programs that could do the job (not sure on costs of them as im happy with the program i have). Hope that sorta helps :)
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