Yes, 2012 National Treasures Baseball is the single hottest baseball card set to hit the market in years. Yes, it’s the priciest, most history-packed baseball release in Panini America history. Yes, it sold out the day it released last Wednesday and has proceeded to disappear rapidly from the secondary market since. Yes, it’s producing some of the most majestic memorabilia and cut-autograph cards of all time.
But what follows may be the most important “yes” yet: Yes, today we’re giving you the rare chance to win one of three unopened boxes of 2012 National Treasures Baseball. We’ll give that sentence a minute to sink in and give you all the details after the jump.
So, how can you become eligible to win one of those three boxes? Good question. Here’s what we want you to do:
First, please make sure to follow Panini America on Twitter, like us on Facebook and subscribe to The Knight’s Lance. If you already do those things, we thank you immensely. If you don’t have Twitter or Facebook, we can think of no better incentive to start.
After you’ve done those three things, here’s where the real fun comes in. You see that image of the 2012 National Treasures Baseball pack at the top of this post? Well, we’ve taken the liberty of hiding that image (albeit smaller and perhaps a lot less opaque than it appears above) three times amid the galleries below. Your task, should you choose to accept it: Find the three hidden packs and tell us — AS A COMMENT TO THIS POST — on which three images you found it.
Tomorrow, we’ll conduct a random drawing of all correct entries and award boxes to three lucky collectors.
So, just to review: Follow us on Twitter. Like us on Facebook. Subscribe to The Knight’s Lance. Find the hidden pack image three times sprinkled throughout the galleries below. Tell us on which three images you found it.
Oh, and you have less than 24 hours, as all entries are due tomorrow (Friday, March 8) by 10 a.m. CST.
A few things to consider before you begin your treasure hunt: We’ll wait to approve all comments until after the entry deadline tomorrow, so your comment will appear to you as “pending moderation.” That’s our way of protecting your answers so that everyone else can’t see them. To that end, we kindly ask that you keep your answers to yourself until after the deadline. We want to reward those folks who’ve taken the time and effort to find the images.
Got all that? Thanks in advance for your participation. Here are your galleries. Let the hunting begin . . . A Panini America Special Report: Wild Sales from 2012 National Treasures Baseball Panini America Peeks the Bat-Knob Nirvana Hitting 2012 National Treasures Baseball Previewing the Majestic Booklets Coming in 2012 National Treasures Baseball (Gallery) Hot-Button Topic: Panini America Prepares 2012 National Treasures Baseball (Gallery)