Heroes Volume 2 Case

Yeah a bit sus.

I think i know who the bidder might be. Have a look in the items for sale from the winner, there was another ebay user a little while ago who is no longer registered that had Spielberg & Ford autos from Indiana Jonesup all the time, also buffy stake props etc all the big dollar cards that disappeared all the time, they are no longer registered.

He picked up a heap of Heroes inserts of me, username was Ford... something

DAMN!!!! http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI...m=290243048497&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=019

please let there be a Niki auto in my box, well we got the new Claire for this volume. Just checked out the winning bidders other purchases, man he has picked up some quality sketch cards, especially some nice Duron's Sylar ones look great.
actually alot of the cards he has won are not that expensive. sketches that have sold for under $50, some as low as $28. He just has expensive shipping the guy he has bought off.
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