HELP-> 2008-09 Jordan Legacy 1170 Set Chase <-HELP (last one needed #781)

Re: HELP-> 2008-09 Jordan Legacy 1170 Set Chase <-HELP

Bump it up. Had a card not show up so back to 13 needed!
Re: HELP-> 2008-09 Jordan Legacy 1170 Set Chase <-HELP

Bump it up - a lot of outstanding cards now in! Help guys???
Re: HELP-> 2008-09 Jordan Legacy 1170 Set Chase <-HELP

I belive i just sold you a lot on ebay, i have #781, do you have #889,964? we could work out a trade? lmk
Re: HELP-> 2008-09 Jordan Legacy 1170 Set Chase <-HELP

PM sent Lew. Bump it up guys. Another one on the way!
Re: HELP-> 2008-09 Jordan Legacy 1170 Set Chase <-HELP

sorry dude! #781 was involved in a trade, good news is I'm down to just 1 #964, anybody? I'm lookin for ya! Lew
Re: HELP-> 2008-09 Jordan Legacy 1170 Set Chase <-HELP

No worries Lew - would have felt bad if I had have cost you a trade for a card you needed :) Another couple incoming with the chase down to 8. All help appreciated.
Re: HELP-> 2008-09 Jordan Legacy 1170 Set Chase <-HELP

down to 7 need big time help! you'll find em!!!
I'm DONE!! Yhea! Thanks all!!
Re: HELP-> 2008-09 Jordan Legacy 1170 Set Chase <-HELP

Well done Lew - great to hear you are all finished. Defintely need some help to get this across the line!! Another wrong card showed up but managed to do a deal on another so still chasing 7!
Re: HELP-> 2008-09 Jordan Legacy 1170 Set Chase <-HELP

Trade done and another on the way - down to 6! Help me push this set over.
Re: HELP-> 2008-09 Jordan Legacy 1170 Set Chase <-HELP

Deal done on another and received a couple off another set collection which was great!! :woot: Down to 3 now - any help appreciated .
Re: HELP-> 2008-09 Jordan Legacy 1170 Set Chase <-HELP

ive got some incoming from a lot ive bought.. i let you if i get any of those 3 that u need..! :)
Re: HELP-> 2008-09 Jordan Legacy 1170 Set Chase <-HELP

Thanks mate. I still have my duplicates that I have picked up along the way (100 or so) so will be able to help you with your chase in return.
Re: HELP-> 2008-09 Jordan Legacy 1170 Set Chase <-HELP

Only two left now guys - so close to finishing off this huge chase. Anyone able to help with #110 or #781??
Re: HELP-> 2008-09 Jordan Legacy 1170 Set Chase <-HELP (only 2 needed #110 & #781)

Last of the outstanding in - just chasing these last two now. Any help with pushing this set over would be greatly appreciated!!
Haven't bumped this recently as thought I had tracked the last two down!! Wouldn't believe it tho - the last card seems to have got lost in the mail :mad:

If anyone knows where I can get my hands on #781 please let me know.
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