Have the Fleer Auctions ruined collecting???

Just something I read, which I agree with -

"They could have shown some integrity, and destroyed all their left-over inventory rather than have the market flooded with cards that have since been altered"

I can understand why they didn't, as this leftover inventory bought in $$$.
Man... I shall just never buy a Fleer patch from Ebay without first sharnig it with you guys to see if you think it's legit (not that I envisage purchasing a patch card from ebay anytime soon)..

But I think those people that try and take advantage of collectors with thes ehalf finished cards... should be shot... I just think you shouldn't mess with a hobby... but that's the problem with the lure of the all mighty buck....

I liked it better when cards was about trading, but you get older and its more about buying and selling (for some) it's for me the thrill of a trade that I find most satisfying... sorry prolly a lil off topic now. *shuts up*
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