Have the Fleer Auctions ruined collecting???


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Seeing there having been many of us claiming fake Fleer cards, I was wondering how the Fleer Auctions have affected the hobby.

Has the auctions ruined what we collect???
No, you just have to be carefull in what you buy. Collectors are collectors and will take anything. All its done is make it harder for player collectors and noobs without the info we have here to find cards or make purchases.

Topps has been releasing printing proofs etc for years thru topps vault etc. Although you can't make cards out of them its similar. I take it you are refering to just the blank cards without patches Clarkey. IMO they should have been destroyed but the fleer sale was marketed by those that wanted money and had no to little hobby knowlege. Hence all the redemption problems. From my sources the people handling it didn't know anything and couldn't handle the process in a hobby point of view as they simply didn't have the capacity.
I think it may have ruined it for people wanting to buy genuine Fleer Patch cards.....unless your switched on you could be buying a "Fake" !!!
I think i get it now! So basically they were just extra prints of the various cards that weren't numbered and ppl who bought them just cut out the shapes where the patches were meant to be and they just inserted their own patches??
We just need to be very careful before bidding that we make sure first and foremost that the card EXIST!!! Getting a beckett price guide or asking people here at Ozcards will help us decide when buying suspicious/dodgy cards... Then there's a less chance of us buying fake one's...
Personally i think it was wrong to sell these cards...
Do a last release set with all remaining stock as a genuine release... dont swamp the market with half finished cards.....
hsv006 said:
dont swamp the market with half finished cards.....

I Dont mind getting unfinished cards!!! :D What I don't like is finding out that a nice card was not real because someone had put some nice patches in the blank part to make it look real... oh well some people just dont have anything good to do!!! :(
i think to an extent the hobby has been ruined. Remember that Fleer was a big brand and had a lot of influence. Pity that their lasting legacy will be tarnishing the hobby with heaps of fakes. Idiots in offices! ;-)
Yeah, I dont think it's ruined it for us collector's, but I think that the people selling these cards are all a bunch of c-nts....

Really intelligent and helpful comment, I know, but these people shit me so bad. After buying a card that I thought was legit, turned it over and no numbering on it... GRRRRR....

I think for newbie collector's on Ebay, they have to be careful, as they might not have the community (like us) they can ask.
i dont think it has ruined collecting just made it a bit more dodgey buying cards from ebay. The fleer vault sales wasnt the problem its more so the people who take advantage of what happen by trying to sell the fake cards as real ones. Hopefully this will all blow over and less & less of these cards will surface as more people become aware of them
hsv006 said:
Personally i think it was wrong to sell these cards...
Do a last release set with all remaining stock as a genuine release... dont swamp the market with half finished cards.....

totally agree well said
i dont think it has ruined collecting, well, not enough to stop me collecting cards anyway. i think the fleer fakes are part of a wider problem with the hobby these days: it has really become a business more than a hobby.

this ties in with resealed, searched packs and boxes, ebay shilling, and every other dishonest, unethical act that just wasnt present when we first started collecting...these days you have to be very careful when buying and selling, and thats sad, its like the innocence has been taken out of the hobby. there are some ruthless, selfish collectors out there, and these guys ruin the hobby and make sure kids, which are the lifeblood of the hobby, stay away from it.
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