Group Case Share - 2005-06 Spx (Running until it fills!!)

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Maybe we can go with half a case or something (or however many we can fill....); but obviously the case would be a hell of a lot better!!
worst case scenario keep it for a new years bust, id still be down for 2

plus side for me atm if this puppy doesnt go though is i have some extra funds for the 2 boozer exquisite 1/1's listed atm :D
If we don't have any more by the next few days we can just go ahead & order the 8 boxes that we currently need..... that is if everybody was ok with that of course; or cancel the break...... need to know what your guys thoughts are?

Keep in mind that doing it that way the costs may change slightly..
Alright, you've got me i'll take another box, a christmas present for myself. Personally i don't mind waiting a little bit because i'd prefer to know that one of us would get the case hit, rather than possibly missing out on it. But yeah its a group decision!
If we don't have any more by the next few days we can just go ahead & order the 8 boxes that we currently need..... that is if everybody was ok with that of course; or cancel the break...... need to know what your guys thoughts are?

Keep in mind that doing it that way the costs may change slightly..

Yeah agree with sublime, i think id rather wait for the case to fill that way someone gets the hit (one of the main reasons to do a case break i would think) even if it takes another few weeks to fill!! just my opinion anyway :thumbsup:
Yeah I agree with you guys - just wasn't looking like we were gonna fill it so was putting our options out there. :)

Thx sublime... you're a champ - will put you down for another one!! :thumbsup:
So what is the go with payment? Do i pay you once we know we have the case filled? Because i'd be able to paypal you as soon as i get confirmation of it filling up.
Eek, i have number 8, thats an evil number, move me to 9 and i'll feel much more at peace :lol: Nothing like a bit of superstition in the morning hey!
LOL sublime.... have moved you down a spot to 9 :p

I also may be tempted to take a third if it helps the spots fill up.... we'll see ;)
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