Grant Hill retires.......farewell to a class act....lets show off his cards.


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Just heard he has retired. One of the best players in the late 90's that was unfortunately hampered by injury.

graham will be devastated. Feel free to post your awesome Grant Hill cards here in tribute!

End of an era. One guy I used to LOVE watching play, especially with Detroit.
Liked watching him play even more than Jordan.

Great career and showed what a true fighter he was, never give in to those injuries. But, what might have been.

Still bound for HOF in my opinion!

Thanks for the memories!
One of the most respectable athletes of all time. And there's not too many around !

28 triple doubles his first FOUR years. (Jordan has 28 TOTAL. Hill has 29.)

One of my favorite players of all time. I grew up watching Grant play. Hall of Fame bound ! They'll look at his Duke years, Detroit years, how he fought & came back from his ankle injury & basically had a new career In Phoenix (made the western conference finals In 2009) And maybe they'll talk about how they f-cked up playing LAMAR ODOM over Grant In the playoffs this year. Explain that one to me. :rolleyes:

Sold off my Grant Hill Phoenix Suns jersey, but just got something just as cool to hold onto. ;)
Never collected much Grant Hill stuff but definitely a class act on and off the court - nobody ever has a bad word to say about him except those miffed Orlando Magic fans when injuries took their toll.

I have this card which reminds me of his early days in Motown (EX acetate promo which is all the sort of stuff I love). Also have a few of his rookie inserts my favourite of which was landing his Jam Session Rookie Standout which unfortunately I haven't scanned in yet. Pre-injuries I thought he was a world beater, one of the most well rounded games in the modern game

Farewell #33! Hopefully, that jersey gets retired and is HOF bound!
It's hard to find these kind of players these days. A very respected athlete. But they can't be around forever.
Sorry to hear, he was a great role model & ambassador for the game for we 90's kids. Still have a beat up pair of his signature Fila's somewhere... Here's my favourite autograph card of his:

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