Futera 1994 NSL Cards


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I would like to start putting together the Futera nsl cards from 1994.
If you have a full base set or any of the inserts/samples from this release please send me a PM.
Obviously it would be great to get the Craig Johnston Signature Redemption! If anyone has any information on recent sales and how much it went for it would be much appreciated.
Happy to pay $$$ via PayPal F&F.

Hi Al, this is a very unique set to collect. I believe it was sold out back in 1994 and has only gotten harder to hunt down some of the cards.

There are sample cards of all the insert except for the Johnson (do you have a sample or unnumbered?) and to this the samples cards are limited to 50-100 for each card. Hard to find as these were kept by employees and then on sold as bulk lots.

I have come across 5 Johnston signature cards in the past decade so there are out there, however, in the past few years I haven't seen any.

There's a "best of both worlds set" 3 insert card redemption set and then they have the Wild Card redemption set limited to 100 (like the Impact set for the cricket)

I have only ever seen 3 sets in the past decade up for sale. Gerry, from you neck of the woods, sold a set at a card show here in Vic however it was missing a card.
Hi Raj,
Many thanks for your reply!
I have only just started putting this set together so I am still hunting most of the cards!
I have managed to pick up the Slater and Zelic Best of both worlds inserts and a couple of the Olympic team cards.
Do you have any spares?
I do like this set and looking forward to hunting down the cards!!
Hope all is well.
Make me an offer? Not sure how much they would cost to post either. From memory it is a 120-150 card set.
what does this set go for? i ran i have it somewhere at my parents in the NSL folder. Even met stan lazaridis after a West Adelaide Hellas game at Hindmarsh and got him to sign my card
Hi Al,

It really is an underrated set. So many great future Australian players with coverage. I have the base set and the Craig Johnston signature card.

Will never forget the day I picked that one up....in the local card shop with my best mate and bought the last few packs in the box. Couldn't believe it.

Have never thought about selling but CJ was the era just before my time so open to offers if you're still looking.

A very long project that I will hopefully finish 1 day. All base cards signed. I currently have 34
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I have the full set of the 1994 ones, however I am on the hunt for other years now.

Anybody know which other ones there were?

Need to know what I'm looking for.
Futera in Australia only released a set in 1994.
The are many other sets that were released (and still are) in the UK.
I was more so referring to 90s NSL cards in general, not just Futera.

From what I learnt today, there were a heap! Hoping to get my hands on a few from a lad on here that I've spoken with.
Is this A4 size poster a Display poster or a Sell sheet, or does it come inside the sealed box ?
I have only ever seen a partial photo of this poster on some other site.

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