FULL - Group Case Share - 08/09 SP Authentic

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will pay tomorrow night via paypal mate, just waiting on some funds to clear from some stuff i off loaded.....cheers

All payments are in and case has been paid for!!!

So should expect the case after the weekend and then I'll post them all out!!!

Thanx to all who participated and hopefully we get some crazy MOJO from the case!

God bless

Like a fat man on a xmas ham. You see, I live in cairns and cos of the flood waters down south I have had no mail for over a week and its KILLING ME!!!! NO MAIL!!! NO MAIL DAYS!! NOTHING TO OPEN!!!!! FREAK ME!!!
Hey buddy!

The case should arrive to mine on Monday/Tuesday next week, which is when i'll post all boxes out, so hopefully you'll receive by Friday next week!!

thanx guys

ill get you to post mine express again mate if thats cool, just let me know what i owe you extra? cheers Brad
ILl get express too, let me know how much more I have to pay :-) GOT TEN PARCELS TODAY< FLOODS DOWN ROADS ARE OPEN WHOO HOO!!!! My B Roy collection doubled I think!!!!:thumbsup::v:
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