Verse1 No Glove, No love. Feedback - 100% 206 0 0 Feb 6, 2009 #21 Re: Group Case Share - 08/09 SP Authentic nenjabin said: What year? Click to expand... STEVE NASH 06/07 NBA SP AUTHENTIC AUTO CHIROGRAPHY GOLD :v:
Re: Group Case Share - 08/09 SP Authentic nenjabin said: What year? Click to expand... STEVE NASH 06/07 NBA SP AUTHENTIC AUTO CHIROGRAPHY GOLD :v:
Verse1 No Glove, No love. Feedback - 100% 206 0 0 Feb 6, 2009 #22 Re: Group Case Share - 08/09 SP Authentic Rhys: Put me down for the last box aswell so we can get this thing happening unless someone else wants to jump on it
Re: Group Case Share - 08/09 SP Authentic Rhys: Put me down for the last box aswell so we can get this thing happening unless someone else wants to jump on it
nenjabin World's #1 Pat Burke Collector Feedback - 100% 157 0 0 Feb 6, 2009 #23 Re: Group Case Share - 08/09 SP Authentic Verse1 said: STEVE NASH 06/07 NBA SP AUTHENTIC AUTO CHIROGRAPHY GOLD :v: Click to expand... I'll pass thanks mate Collecting the 2007/08 set and possibly this 2008/09 set, but too late for me to start on the 2006/07 set now... Good luck all!
Re: Group Case Share - 08/09 SP Authentic Verse1 said: STEVE NASH 06/07 NBA SP AUTHENTIC AUTO CHIROGRAPHY GOLD :v: Click to expand... I'll pass thanks mate Collecting the 2007/08 set and possibly this 2008/09 set, but too late for me to start on the 2006/07 set now... Good luck all!
midnight_show OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 62 0 0 Feb 6, 2009 #24 Re: Group Case Share - 08/09 SP Authentic So are we all full now?? Do we make payment for a box yet??
Re: Group Case Share - 08/09 SP Authentic So are we all full now?? Do we make payment for a box yet??
rhysjsolomon @mojochasers Feedback - 100% 258 0 0 Feb 6, 2009 #25 Re: Group Case Share - 08/09 SP Authentic Verse1 said: Rhys: Put me down for the last box aswell so we can get this thing happening unless someone else wants to jump on it Click to expand... Awesome mate!!!! Sweet as!!! midnight_show said: So are we all full now?? Do we make payment for a box yet?? Click to expand... Yep mate! Everyone to make payments asap! thanx guys!!! woot woot
Re: Group Case Share - 08/09 SP Authentic Verse1 said: Rhys: Put me down for the last box aswell so we can get this thing happening unless someone else wants to jump on it Click to expand... Awesome mate!!!! Sweet as!!! midnight_show said: So are we all full now?? Do we make payment for a box yet?? Click to expand... Yep mate! Everyone to make payments asap! thanx guys!!! woot woot
Verse1 No Glove, No love. Feedback - 100% 206 0 0 Feb 6, 2009 #26 PM sent Rhys Come on boys get your money in!
Big Ben Fan OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 77 0 0 Feb 6, 2009 #27 would have loved to get in on this but being a highschool kid its kinda hard ta get that sort of money, but be sure to let me know if yas pull any J J Hickson. gud luck with the busts and be sure to bust MOJO
would have loved to get in on this but being a highschool kid its kinda hard ta get that sort of money, but be sure to let me know if yas pull any J J Hickson. gud luck with the busts and be sure to bust MOJO
midnight_show OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 62 0 0 Feb 6, 2009 #29 Payment made, WHOO HOO!! LETS GET BOX BREAKIN!!!
rhysjsolomon @mojochasers Feedback - 100% 258 0 0 Feb 6, 2009 #30 pm sent to all!! thanx champs!!! God bless have a great weekend
rhysjsolomon @mojochasers Feedback - 100% 258 0 0 Feb 6, 2009 #31 Noddy said: Paypal payment sent Rhys. Click to expand... midnight_show said: Payment made, WHOO HOO!! LETS GET BOX BREAKIN!!! Click to expand... thanx guys! payment received! in the words of stashman "MAY THE MOJO BE WITH YOU!"
Noddy said: Paypal payment sent Rhys. Click to expand... midnight_show said: Payment made, WHOO HOO!! LETS GET BOX BREAKIN!!! Click to expand... thanx guys! payment received! in the words of stashman "MAY THE MOJO BE WITH YOU!"
A1CardsandGaming @ A1, we love collecting as much as you do ! Feedback - 100% 356 0 0 Feb 6, 2009 #32 This bust is going to great fun to watch.... Good luck everyone involved
Farmer2Goggin2Wade R.I.P Captain Beefheart! Feedback - 100% 113 0 0 Feb 6, 2009 #33 GL everyone! Pull some Logomans!! If you pull any Indianas PM me.
rhysjsolomon @mojochasers Feedback - 100% 258 0 0 Feb 7, 2009 #35 Verse1 said: Money's in chief:v: Click to expand... thanx champ! will update the thread once its cleared thanx champ
Verse1 said: Money's in chief:v: Click to expand... thanx champ! will update the thread once its cleared thanx champ
Verse1 No Glove, No love. Feedback - 100% 206 0 0 Feb 9, 2009 #36 Has everyone put their dollars down? Rhys has mine cleared yet?
rhysjsolomon @mojochasers Feedback - 100% 258 0 0 Feb 9, 2009 #37 Verse1 said: Has everyone put their dollars down? Rhys has mine cleared yet? Click to expand... Hey bro! nah still waiting on a few more payments!!! Yours hasn't clears yet either! Hopefully by tomorrow morning!!! Hey guys Please pay asap and by Wednesday so I can order, so we receive early next week! thanx guys
Verse1 said: Has everyone put their dollars down? Rhys has mine cleared yet? Click to expand... Hey bro! nah still waiting on a few more payments!!! Yours hasn't clears yet either! Hopefully by tomorrow morning!!! Hey guys Please pay asap and by Wednesday so I can order, so we receive early next week! thanx guys
JayC Point Forward Feedback - 100% 25 0 0 Feb 9, 2009 #38 gawwdangit haha good luck fellas this looks like a fun case break comin up soonish
rhysjsolomon @mojochasers Feedback - 100% 258 0 0 Feb 9, 2009 #39 Verse1 said: Has everyone put their dollars down? Rhys has mine cleared yet? Click to expand... its cleared buddy! thanx
Verse1 said: Has everyone put their dollars down? Rhys has mine cleared yet? Click to expand... its cleared buddy! thanx
Verse1 No Glove, No love. Feedback - 100% 206 0 0 Feb 9, 2009 #40 Good stuff bud, let me know if the others havn't paid by tomorrow night i may shot in for another box to get this thing moving.
Good stuff bud, let me know if the others havn't paid by tomorrow night i may shot in for another box to get this thing moving.