FULL - Group Case Share - 08/09 Fleer

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Re: Group Case Share - 08/09 Fleer

according to the first post with u taking a box theres 3 left.
Re: Group Case Share - 08/09 Fleer

If its still cool with me payin later in the week i will take a 2nd box please
Re: Group Case Share - 08/09 Fleer

I cant guarantee by wednesday i was only told some time this week so if i cant pay by the time u need it just remove me from the list
Re: Group Case Share - 08/09 Fleer

Jordan23 has been banned indefinatlely from all group breaks/buys. Please be aware that if you commit to a group buy pay in a respectable time and show some respect for those that run them.
Re: Group Case Share - 08/09 Fleer

Rhys. Could you please send me your paypal details so i can make a prompt payment. Cheers.
Re: Group Case Share - 08/09 Fleer

If its looking like Wdnesday, I'll take a second box mate! :thumbsup:

awesome mate!!! ill put u down for another!!!

yeah i'm gonna pay for the order Wednesday nite if possible, so can wait til then for payment!!!

thanx mate (just let me know if you dont want the second!!!)

Rhys. Could you please send me your paypal details so i can make a prompt payment. Cheers.

sweet as mate!!!

details are in first post, but here it is again anyways..... rjscards@gmail.com

thanx everyone
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