FRaffle - Win a James Harden Rookie Auto!!!!

Oh man! Is anything easy for you?

Here is the list:

  1. scottm87
  2. Fezzadog
  3. ozguy3825
  4. Awoj21
  5. sskillswitch
  6. Cardseller515
  7. wolvesjr34
  8. Beemz-Trading-Cards
  9. josh23
  10. rainz
  11. whiteythespursfan
  12. kiwi_in_melb
  13. anakinleo
  14. AyiosYiorgos
  15. brandonlec
  16. xavierty
  17. la iph
  18. mattyeah
  19. silvertapoutstar
  20. Garnettfan4life

sadly, no, except this:

Ok.... 10 times through the randomizometer, and these people are STILL IN the draw:

  1. ozguy3825
  2. AyiosYiorgos
  3. Garnettfan4life
  4. kiwi_in_melb
  5. josh23
  6. wolvesjr34
  7. Cardseller515
  8. Fezzadog
  9. brandonlec
  10. whiteythespursfan
well, you're off the Christmas card list!!!
10 more time through the randominator....... and......

  1. Fezzadog
  2. brandonlec
  3. ozguy3825
  4. josh23
  5. Cardseller515
Only 5 still in now!
Should have a winner by the weekend!
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