Forum Upgrade - Help Required

Hey guys this is on the agenda again. Want to get this happening as I wanna see the new feedback system in action 8) .

All we need is 14 members to give $10 US each.

If you are right to go leave a message and ill email you. The guys who have already said they are keen i'll be in touch in the next 24 hours.
Thanks to these guys for their Paypal contributions :

Jimmy Jackson $10
JZA $10
Trey $10

Will post up here when payments from other members using Direct Deposit clear in the account or when other members make donations.

TARGET = $160 US
aussie2al - PM sent

ducky_poo $10 PayPal
chadjaja inc $5 PayPal
jvalles69 $10 Direct Deposit

TARGET = $160 US
15DVS - $10 Paypal
vladlevinsky - $10 Paypal
kidd05 - $10 Paypal

Thanks to everyone - getting very close now!!

TARGET = $160 US
Rukas - $7.50 US ($10 AUD)

TARGET = $160 US

Pending 2 x Direct Deposit x $10 each from lockymac & cath15 so we should be there !!

No more contributions until I can confirm we are covered please :D
Thank you boys and girls, I have gone ahead and purchased the new forum software. With PayPal fees I ended up putting in $30 so if anyone wants to chip in another tenner im all for it ;)

Im also going to start another thread as im doing a new design for the new site, and want scans of your favourite cards - not pictures - scans - for use in the header.

Reply to the new post if you can, and thank you to all once again. You will all be recognised on the new site :) Chad's seen a sneak preview and I cant be sure but I think he wet his pants! :lol: :lol:
Does Scotty lose his post total???

MAN is he going to be pissed if he does and he is on holidays too. I rekon the record will tumble in the first two days LMAO

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh and its looks OK :wink:

Great work mate. Top job.

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