Footy Stars 2021

I'm pretty sure the Select monthly prize is the most valuable prize I have ever won in a comp. Meat raffle would've been the next best.
Folks - when I won i watched the u tube draw and a John Patton AFL footballer drew my entry (I'd made perhaps 20) - he drew it out of a clothes dryer - a large one and it was absolutely full - I would guess thousands of entries. As I say first time i won anything and around the same time I won a Veterans claim worth thousands and because I won that claim i wished to apply for backpay but governmenr legislation said it was not possible so i had to put a case to Dept of Finance (some people said i had less than 10% chance of a win) - I won so I won 2 times - haven't won anything before or sine but that little lot was a very tidy sum.
Thank you once again to all folk who write and offer their kowledge and ideas - very informative and helpful - best wishes for you collection sand hope you all make money
Just asking again anyone knows if 300 Game case cards exist with footy stars this year or if they are waiting for the possible Prestige and series 2 release. Thanks in advance to anyone that can answer.
Thanks. I got an email from them saying on sale Sunday....

Sunday the what? I was thinking. Makes sense now. If only they hadn't put the ..... to mess with my already severely deplenished brain cells. Hopefully my local servo will have them Sunday.
My servo and newsagent said they will have stock on the 26th Feb, so maybe call them in your area and see what's up!
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