First mailday in a while...


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Well its been a while since I've had a mailday so here we go.....

The first card is my 7th 1/1 card.....

Steve Nash Bowman Chrome Cyan Printing Plate 1/1


And finally I got offered this card some time ago but had to pass as I didnt have the money at the time to pick it up......but a few months later it turned up on ebay and I managed to win it for about the same price it was originally offered to me.... :)

My 8th Nash 1/1.

Steve Nash Bowman Chrome Superfractor 1/1



Thanks Bigsarg and Blackwind.....just looking at the plate I thought something wasnt right.....

The card I received today (the Bowman Chrome Cyan Plate) isnt the card I bought on ebay.......the card on ebay I bought was the Yellow Bowman plate?

I've contacted the seller to see if this was a mistake? Funny stuff!

Very very nice! 8 1/1's! I thought I was doing well with 5 Korver 1/1's (including a Dual jersey Auto non-plate) and 1 of each Deng and Bogut (in my days mailday today!)
Damn, I started getting all wet, until I saw it was Steve Nash...

Well done Matty, #7 & #8, that's fantastic mate!!

The SuperFractor is the BEST!!!!! PSA 10!!!! ;)
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