few pc pickups (Rose, Bogut, Bulls)


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Not much value here, but some nice PC additions. Rose Jsy's /49, /50, some serial'd bogut stuff, couple random low end bulls cards and a few older bogut autos.
01 bogut bucks autos.jpg
01 bogut seriald.jpg
01 bulls pc.jpg
Some sweet cards there. I really like those majestic autos. Also like the tools of the trade gu. I'm trying to decide on an oversized gu set to collect, I just think they are so cool
Very nice, triple threads is a beauty.
Yeah I like the design on it with the die cut windows and the colour contrasts, plus /33 isn't a bad thing not too high.

Also got a couple random DVD's in the mail which was awesome. Anyone who hasn't seen the Jordan movie (Michael Jordan to the MAX), watch it. ;)

Majestic are always nice autos, big fan of the acetate trilogy autos too. The triple threads auto would have to be pretty low numbered too I;d imagine...
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