
Probably hit the nail on the head this video. I have 50 friends on facebook and I deleted about 250 that I either went to school with, worked with, WERE friends with or work with now. I don't talk to them once at work, and when I get home I have a friend request. Its rubbish. People I haven't seen for 20 years. I added them and realised I didn't care what they are doing now and didn't talk to them and then I deleted them.
Its OK in small doses, but alot of it is rubbish.

I did this as well. Down to 80 friends now ... the main reason I got rid of those friends was privacy, I post stuff on facebook that I don't want the whole world knowing, only close friends.

But the guy making this video needs to take a chill pill. I'm on facebook and I'm perfectly happy thanks! I use it a lot just to see what my mates are up to ... is there something wrong with that? If anything this guy seems more obsessed with fb than a lot of people who are on it!

If you don't wanna use it that's all good, but get over yourself and accept others can make up their own mind about using it!
the problem with facebook is it invades your privacy, and im not talking about the website itself which you have to tirellesly always manage your privacy settings. its gotten out of hand, a dating site which i have been using has now linked the i like status to peoples profile by default, and that means anyone who potentially likes you can show all their friends on facebook. the apps can invade and steal your info as well.

oh and if you use firefox install no script and everytime you browse a site look at the no script icon and most times you will see that the site your browsing has linked itself to facebook.

also they make it virtually impossible for you to cancel your account, but it can be done they dont show you, they only prefer you deactivate it.
also they make it virtually impossible for you to cancel your account, but it can be done they dont show you, they only prefer you deactivate it.

I have been ANTI-facebook for years, I signed up a few years ago to search for my ex's at my now ex's request and so that she could search some of hers and we could have a laugh, or in one of my cases look at my first and think goddamn I should have stayed on that boat :lol:... Anyways I cancelled it after a week once we had done what we wanted to, but lately I have been getting invites from people from 8-10 years ago that are "inviting me to join facebook, check out their profile and add them as friends" WTF ?!?!?!?
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