Ever get re-excited about a card you own?


Magic Johnson and David Robinson ON CARD autos
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Pretty sure 're-excited' is not even a word.... but it works for this purpose!

I am sure most people are the same as me, that no matter what card you pick up, you eventually start to lose the excitement you once had for that particular card. For example, you may have received an auto of your favourite player and been real stoked about it, but a couple months later you look at it and think 'meh, it is an alright card'.

Does that happen to you? It happens to me a lot, that is the reason why I am constantly flipping my PC cards and buying something else, just to keep it interesting.

Anyway, I recently read the book 'When the game was ours' and thoroughly enjoyed it. It gave a great insight into some of the other aspects of Bird's and Magic's lives and the bit that stuck out to me is the effect that Magic had on other people around him. I cannot think of him now without picturing the big smile he always wore during and around game time and how it became his 'signature'.

So I went looking for my Magic Johnson autos and found a card that I have had for a while and genuinely got excited about having it.... again!

It was a card that I just picked up in a random trade and it was more a case of choosing from the options I had, more than targeting that particular card, if you know what I mean?

It is one of the best ON CARD auto designs I have ever seen and the picture portrays him perfectly! I think it has become my latest 'favourite card'


Has this sort of reignited interest happened to anyone else?? Which card was it?
great idea for a thread mate... i too find myself getting excited when they get here, then they get thrown in the pile so to speak and they kinda lose their appeal for lack of a better word... i cant say any have re-excited me, but my McGrady 3D patch of the star from the Magic uni constantly reminds me why i bought it haha.

is there a card design that captures the moments that a player is known for, like the Magic smile, Kobes focus, MJs tongue, Lebrons retreating hairline??
I know exactly what you mean. As a set collector it can sometimes be a very long time between getting one of the best players cards and then finally completing the set, and so when you then get the whole set out for a "group picture", it is great to see the cards of great players, and better yet, the rookies who had not done anything when you had grabbed their cards, and have then gone on to do a whole lot (Jeremy Lin jumps to mind).
For me it's about the big pulls, and remembering back to the moment it happened. for example when I look at this card-

I'm reminded of my honeymoon, my wife and i bought 2 boxes at an LCS and were in our hotel room in Anaheim busting them, the box was super weak but this awesome patch came out of the last pack and we were super excited! And then in the next box we cracked a GS and pulled a Nash patch, kobe jersey auto, and kobe patch auto!
The lebron patch is the only one i still have from that day, and I doubt I'll ever sell or trade it simply because of how it makes me feel whenever Ioon at it. Brings back so many great memories!

Oh and those premier penmanship autos are a terrific set! I used to have a rondo....unfortunately that only brings back bad memories!
Honestly ... no. the excitement never dies for me. Everytime I look through my pc's, I have the same excitement I've always had. Guess i'm just passionate about my collecting.
Far from a high-end card and it still can be had for cheap nowadays. I pulled this card a loooonnnnnnggggggggggg time ago in my home town Hong Kong when the set was first released (I was only a secondary school student at that time).
It is my first ever certified autograph card pull and I was very excited at that time, but the enthusiasm had cooled off considerably for a long stretch until last year when I decided to go for this set - along with 3 other Autographics sets - because of the good old 90's memories attached to them.

I haven't picked up much amare lately and I'm slowly losing interest in the pc mostly because I'm only looking for high end stuff. But every time I pull out the dual logoman I just can't even think of selling it so it makes me want to get more amare. Also when ever I look at my official game ball signed by magic, kareem, worthy, Wilkes, rambis, Nixon and cooper I all of a sudden find myself looking for more team signed memrobilia!!
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