Pretty sure 're-excited' is not even a word.... but it works for this purpose!
I am sure most people are the same as me, that no matter what card you pick up, you eventually start to lose the excitement you once had for that particular card. For example, you may have received an auto of your favourite player and been real stoked about it, but a couple months later you look at it and think 'meh, it is an alright card'.
Does that happen to you? It happens to me a lot, that is the reason why I am constantly flipping my PC cards and buying something else, just to keep it interesting.
Anyway, I recently read the book 'When the game was ours' and thoroughly enjoyed it. It gave a great insight into some of the other aspects of Bird's and Magic's lives and the bit that stuck out to me is the effect that Magic had on other people around him. I cannot think of him now without picturing the big smile he always wore during and around game time and how it became his 'signature'.
So I went looking for my Magic Johnson autos and found a card that I have had for a while and genuinely got excited about having it.... again!
It was a card that I just picked up in a random trade and it was more a case of choosing from the options I had, more than targeting that particular card, if you know what I mean?
It is one of the best ON CARD auto designs I have ever seen and the picture portrays him perfectly! I think it has become my latest 'favourite card'
Has this sort of reignited interest happened to anyone else?? Which card was it?
I am sure most people are the same as me, that no matter what card you pick up, you eventually start to lose the excitement you once had for that particular card. For example, you may have received an auto of your favourite player and been real stoked about it, but a couple months later you look at it and think 'meh, it is an alright card'.
Does that happen to you? It happens to me a lot, that is the reason why I am constantly flipping my PC cards and buying something else, just to keep it interesting.
Anyway, I recently read the book 'When the game was ours' and thoroughly enjoyed it. It gave a great insight into some of the other aspects of Bird's and Magic's lives and the bit that stuck out to me is the effect that Magic had on other people around him. I cannot think of him now without picturing the big smile he always wore during and around game time and how it became his 'signature'.
So I went looking for my Magic Johnson autos and found a card that I have had for a while and genuinely got excited about having it.... again!
It was a card that I just picked up in a random trade and it was more a case of choosing from the options I had, more than targeting that particular card, if you know what I mean?
It is one of the best ON CARD auto designs I have ever seen and the picture portrays him perfectly! I think it has become my latest 'favourite card'

Has this sort of reignited interest happened to anyone else?? Which card was it?