ESP Limited Edition Trading cards

Yes I think they are just somebody's mock sig to show roughly what they will be like etc, i just dont understand the link to have Hindy and Hargreaves sigs together on the one card????

The only link is that they were both in the allstarts team, they are wearing their allstars jersey. Other than that, it seems they just took two random players from that team.
Dan said he is was accepted as a reseller so i am guessing he will have them on his site, but i wouldnt be suprised if they go through the usual channels etc
Jury still out IMO, what are the ratios on those jersey cards?

Too me it appears as if their are no Club cards which as a team collector will dissapoint.

Australia x 12
NZ x 12
NSW x 12
QLD x 12
AllStars x 12
Indeginous x 12

That's 72 cards..........
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