What we have here is either a moron or a scammer or maybe both. I mean even DK is selling this card for $1200.
What we have here is either a moron or a scammer or maybe both. I mean even DK is selling this card for $1200.
Crap............if a buyer wants to pay 5k for this card then that is their business. If Rob wants to sell this card for 5k then that also is his business. I have dealt with Rob on many an occassion and he is not, imho, a moron or a scammer (can't vouch for the bidder). Get off your high horse Owen, you have an over inflated opinion of yourself and your worth to the trading card fraternity.
mayby someone should list a new item lol
what you think this will go for lol
heaps funny thread
Batboy - whatever mate, most of your rants make little sense anyway - but good on you for throwing in a personal threat. Your welcome to try and ram my teeth down my throat anytime.
Your statement could not be any further from the truth - just go read the first few pages of any economics textbook. Even if this card sells for $5000 and the buyer coughs up the money it is still worth no where near what was paid for it.
What we have here is either a moron or a scammer or maybe both. I mean even DK is selling this card for $1200.
..... If only you were worth the effort!!
Trading card - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Read the Value section. Last line stands out to me.... Or is wikipedia always wrong like everyone else on here always is too?