Card Addict
what would you pay for the number 36what would he get for the letter A.

what would you pay for the number 36what would he get for the letter A.
This annoys me on a number of levels
People are going to sell things when they can get the best price for them, you can't really bag them for it. Legitimate memorabilia places do the same thing.
People are going to sell things when they can get the best price for them, you can't really bag them for it. Legitimate memorabilia places do the same thing.
For people wanting to get a higher price its the smart thing to do. Selling is all about timing. Morally, thats another story IMO. My morals out weigh my desire to make a buck.
Yeah but some of the signatures i've gotten of mark gasiner are worse then that.
On the Gasnier probably legit , he has signed stuff worse than that last couple of years for people.
.........there will be people out there that would like a piece to remember him by, so there's two ways to look at it I suppose
^^^^I saw that myself at first I choked when I saw the price then the picture well..... what can you say^^^