Hello everyone.... This is a very interesting topic!!! I received my most expensive GHill card today.... You know what? and I couldn't believe that it was just in a white envelope (in a Top loader though).... After I look inside and inspect the card I had a sigh of relief that it was OK!!!
I'm sure if any of us received a card sent in a plain envelope with out any bubble padding inside, its common we freak out!!! But if the card is not damaged, its all good, isn't it? I do agree with what Mavs did in a way... It feels better if we get our cards in bubble pad than just plain envelope.
good packaging, card arrives fine and quickly = good feedback
poor packaging or slow delivery, but card arrives fine = neutral feedback
poor packaging, slow delivery and/or card arrives damaged = neg plus an angry spray from me
slow delivery can not always be blamed on the seller tho...
check the envelope for the post mark thingy and see what date it was sent, if they sent promptly but Aust. Post was slow i dont think they deserve a neutral??
For the sake of a $0.80 bubble mailer is it worth the worry of the card not showing up in good condition. I know you are going to argue that the Bubble mailer is not a guaranteed safe way....BUT IT IS A HELL OF A LOT SAFER THAN BLOODY WHITE ENVELOPES!!!!
Couldn't agree with you more Mav's. The only card I have received in a envelope was from an international ebayer. I was shitting it until I opened it and realised it was the redemption. But it was still unexceptable. There is nothing wrong with reusing bubble mailers, meself i'ma huge fan.
I can see everyone is quite passionate about this subject and with good cause, all I am saying is that I don't mind plain envelopes if both parties agree or if I have asked for it to be shipped that way. In no way am i saying that a trade should be done that way without telling or asking the other member.....I did read the thread about posting after I send to Mat so i will stick to the buble mailer each time I trade.....unless otherwise specified.
Would it be ok to you guys if someone use a used bubble envelope and put it in a new white envelope? For me its ok. I know it's only $32 for 100 bubble padded envelope at the PO but maybe it is not a bad idea if we can recycle something, right?
Yup done it quite a few times and have also been the person asking for a card to be sent like that....mainly when I have bought a $1.00 - $3.00 card and the postage was $3.00....simply asked the seller to place the card in a penny sleeve & toploader & tape it at the top. Then was only charged $0.50c to $1.00 thus paying 1/2 the amount I would have. Might seem like pennies to some but at the end of the day it all adds up.
I do also recycle bubble mailers so i agree with Gemini, I mainly like to do this becuse I am a bit of a "greenie" when it comes to recycling
Yup done it quite a few times and have also been the person asking for a card to be sent like that....mainly when I have bought a $1.00 - $3.00 card and the postage was $3.00....simply asked the seller to place the card in a penny sleeve & toploader & tape it at the top. Then was only charged $0.50c to $1.00 thus paying 1/2 the amount I would have. Might seem like pennies to some but at the end of the day it all adds up.
I do also recycle bubble mailers so i agree with Gemini, I mainly like to do this becuse I am a bit of a "greenie" when it comes to recycling
This might sound like a stupid question but how do you reuse bubble mailers again? When i get them i pull the tab to get the card out, how do you reseal it?