Ebay have done it now...unbelivable...im an extorsionist...lol...

wow...i just read the forum thread from BO...what a bunch of douches---not you esko/adam/graeme etc...btw i just registered and will post on there once i get the ok from admin...
wow...i just read the forum thread from BO...what a bunch of douches---not you esko/adam/graeme etc...btw i just registered and will post on there once i get the ok from admin...
Be prepared to wait about 6 days before they actually go on the site. The modding on that site is an afterthought...
Blowout is possibly the worse forum going around... Nothing can be discussed over there without "blowing up" and they all ride each other so bad that the second you disagree with someone you get lynch mobbed!
Blowout is possibly the worse forum going around... Nothing can be discussed over there without "blowing up" and they all ride each other so bad that the second you disagree with someone you get lynch mobbed!

Truth! I asked them to delete my account, would have liked all record of me on that site gone. But they just made it inactive. Oh well. At least I was cured of the urge to read threads and give myself headaches......
Haven't you guy's released you have to be the chosen ones to be able to report facts, if your not part of the groupie crew you get ridiculed and threads get deleted .

But if you are part of the groupie crew's you can do whatever you like , rag on people , swear/abuse/racist and nothing will happen to you , it's not just like that on BO it is all the US forums.

Quite sad !!
What's more mind-blowing is that some people actually have no problem with someone being charged $15 for something that cost $3, as long as they received the item they paid for. No wonder so many people steal!

Yeah that blew my mind as well. Its okay your getting ripped off because the seller had the postage cost in the listing and you knew what it was.

What a bunch of Muppet's.
Being the culprit and thank you Esko for bringing it to the attention of the moronic people on that site, i just have to say i am disappointed in the way so many people thought it was ok to rob you of the extra postage charges...obviously they havent had to experience this, but here in Australia most of us are honest, hard working people that in this hobby want to see people happy and not profit from ridiculous charges...no wonder their country is in financial termoil, they are a bunch of money hungry thieves!!! also the point that go lost in this is the card was damaged with a pretty noticable dinged corner...the seller said "he pulled it straight from a pack to top loader so it must of happened in transit" yeah right, of course it did...you muppet....if you go to the completed auction and look at it closely, which i should have done you can see the bottom corner isnt good and that he would have known...the auction number is: 120859594626, especially the back picture on the bottom right...
i am waiting to get clearance on blowout and will open another thread and go into more detail and defend you guys for defending me! KARMA is a bitch and im sure those morons on blowout will have a similar thing happen soon and then they will expect everyone to feel for them...
Being the culprit and thank you Esko for bringing it to the attention of the moronic people on that site, i just have to say i am disappointed in the way so many people thought it was ok to rob you of the extra postage charges...obviously they havent had to experience this, but here in Australia most of us are honest, hard working people that in this hobby want to see people happy and not profit from ridiculous charges...no wonder their country is in financial termoil, they are a bunch of money hungry thieves!!! also the point that go lost in this is the card was damaged with a pretty noticable dinged corner...the seller said "he pulled it straight from a pack to top loader so it must of happened in transit" yeah right, of course it did...you muppet....if you go to the completed auction and look at it closely, which i should have done you can see the bottom corner isnt good and that he would have known...the auction number is: 120859594626, especially the back picture on the bottom right...
i am waiting to get clearance on blowout and will open another thread and go into more detail and defend you guys for defending me! KARMA is a bitch and im sure those morons on blowout will have a similar thing happen soon and then they will expect everyone to feel for them...

Feel Araiee's Wrath!!!

Whatever you do Aram, please don't go so far as to stop these clowns from doing this in future! The entertainment value alone makes me want to buy from Guru and overpay on shipping! Just so I can have a turn!lol

Also, I have made some calculations using previous history, the fact that they are all still living at home with their mums, their average Broadband connection speed and the traffic at certain intervals..... it seems that if we make these threads at 10:45pm or later on a Saturday night (local time) we can maximise the amount of posts and replies that will help increase the comic relief, before the mods wake up and delete it! :D
Whatever you do Aram, please don't go so far as to stop these clowns from doing this in future! The entertainment value alone makes me want to buy from Guru and overpay on shipping! Just so I can have a turn!lol

Also, I have made some calculations using previous history, the fact that they are all still living at home with their mums, their average Broadband connection speed and the traffic at certain intervals..... it seems that if we make these threads at 10:45pm or later on a Saturday night (local time) we can maximise the amount of posts and replies that will help increase the comic relief, before the mods wake up and delete it! :D
lol...thats just way too funny Adam...bet they are all from the south and have missing teeth, and are spitting chewing tobacco and have a cousin named cletus...and probably will marry a family member...
lol...thats just way too funny Adam...bet they are all from the south and have missing teeth, and are spitting chewing tobacco and have a cousin named cletus...and probably will marry a family member...

Ahhhh, another variable I didn't consider!!

Weddings are mostly on Saturday afternoons right? Maybe we can post a bit earlier then!
Aram, you are the victim not the culprit.....

They deleted my thread saying that there was name-calling or something like that. Must have all happened after I went to lunch because I made sure I didn't say anything in any way that could get me in trouble.

Just absurd how many people are mad over there. I actually only read the member feedback section when I'm bored and want to see some drama. It's better than tv!
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