Dreaming of pulling an MJ auto one day - what would you go for? - UPDATED!!!! did I get it????


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Im thinking of busting a box of 2013 UD tomorrow.

I dream of one day pulling an MJ auto...

would you go for

3x SP Authentic boxes for $210?
(open one at a time, I wont buy all at once, in case i hit MJ in the first one)

Or would you go for 1x box of UD all time greats basketball for $180?

My research suggests that you have a 1 in 18 chance on MJ in these boxes.

Although, I do like the Authentic MJ autos better, especially the letterman's.

Please don't suggest just purchasing the card itself, common sense will never prevail in my dream.
If you definitely want to pull one, then I would go for a 6 box case of 2013 All Time Greats Basketball. Guaranteed one per case!

Opened one case and get 2 Jordan autos
UPDATE: I went for ATG.

I pulled Rodman, but he the store has put the other boxes aside, in case I want to go back and pick from the same case.

Definitely go at least one more.
I have the same dream, but I kind of think bigger - whether or not it can be accomplished eventually is another story - I actually hope that I can pull an MJ autograph card in Bulls uniform, preferably from earlier UD products.
@ozballer23 the 2 inners of 3 boxes.

So 6 in a full case...

Would I be right in assuming that there is a guaranteed MJ or Lebron per 12 box case of SP???

Thatd be cheaper.
@ozballer23 the 2 inners of 3 boxes.

So 6 in a full case...

Would I be right in assuming that there is a guaranteed MJ or Lebron per 12 box case of SP???

Thatd be cheaper.

I would def go the the SP, you would hit other nice autos also + I have have seen multiple mj/lebron autos come out of one case.
Thanks to all of you for your advice.

Here's an update.

I decided to go with ALL TIME GREATS... Bought a 3 box case. No Luck. But between my Magic, Rodman and AI Auto /3, I was able to make my money back.

Then I went for 4x boxes of SPA from Terry. No luck. But my best hit was a Roy Williams auto that I got $200 for, so had a bit of coin left for another go.

Today DACW Live had a free shipping special for the new online break service, so I though I'd give it a go.

Here's the vid. Jump to 21min mark to see my best hit.... was it the MJ I've been dreaming of?
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