I've got one
Dude used to snipe everything from me, it would be me n him and then daylight....
Unfortunately by the time i had the funds and desire to chase the high end stuff (I started my PC over 3/4's thru his rookie year so I was behind the 8-ball) most of the legit 1/1's seem to be gone.. He has about 15 of them.... I know this he sent me a link to his PC (he made contact through ebay prior wanting to see my PC) ... just to shove in my face.... I sent him a link to mine knowing he'd be like "pffff! that aint shit"... this dude has multiples of /5, /10 PC cards that Ive NEVER SEEN on the bay... let alone own
Then on my daily (sometimes 10/day) ebay Vincent Brown search came a Nat Treasure Laundry tag auto /9....

..... that aint all..... it was a BGS 10!
I knew this was my chance to totally fuck with him.... he could have his massive "I got multiples of shit you never seen" collection....... but I know there's one card that he would prob never get another of.... he may already have a /9 laundry tag.... but mines a BGS 10 motherfucker
I had my sniper set for $50 more than what I won it for, I didnt care really what it costs, I just wanted to snipe him

pretty sure he didnt think the seller sold overseas... he didn't.. I begged and paid for priority so the last thing Dave was expecting was last second sniper raid by me
What makes this even sweeter
I got this just after the auction ended and the postage prices were raised for US sellers,
You sure do like paying those high prices on Vincent Brown, why? Guess we'll make this into a bidding war and neither of us will get deals...Seems pretty silly to me...US Postal Service just raised there international prices to almost $7 so most sellers aren't gonna sell over sea's anymore...So that will really hurt you in getting his cards...Have a good day and see you in the next bidding war...LOL!!
I let him know that all the postage increase would do is make me save my funds for higher end stuff as the $3 treadebait cards weren't worth it anymore... I told him all about borderlinx
Nothing better than being perceived as a small time PC collector and PISSING OFF your players 1# collector
Oh yeah.... now I have borderlinx I have bought about 10 PC additions in the last 3 weeks that I couldnt get before (Including 3 sweet sweet fuckers I swiped from him )
It's on!!!