I didn't rush or anything, set my alarm, took a few minutes to type my card details in and still managed to get away with a couple of boxes.
Really feel for everyone else, only making 1800 boxes available to the public is a disgrace.
It’s upto $355 now,
$80 over Select sale price...what an easy way to make money, and the Ink's not even dry on the cards
I don’t get all the people on selects Facebook page blaming retailers for buying most of the stock, everyone I know had there allocation from previous years slashed by 50%, not there fault, not selects fault either the hobby has got massive the last 18 months and with NBA Being so expensive I bet people have jumped ship from NBA To AFL, plus the hundreds of breakers doesn’t help
I think your on to something with your comments regarding NBA boys jumping ship, onto our AFL ship...The price of NBA boxs is driving collectors out of the hobby.I don’t get all the people on selects Facebook page blaming retailers for buying most of the stock, everyone I know had there allocation from previous years slashed by 50%, not there fault, not selects fault either the hobby has got massive the last 18 months and with NBA Being so expensive I bet people have jumped ship from NBA To AFL, plus the hundreds of breakers doesn’t help
Wow I wonder where this will finish
400 now
I remember reading either here or elsewhere - someone predicted exactly this happeningI think your on to something with your comments regarding NBA boys jumping ship, onto our AFL ship...The price of NBA boxs is driving collectors out of the hobby.
I remember reading either here or elsewhere - someone predicted exactly this happening
Some of the blame also lies on Select for not reading the market, seems they just went with the old method rather then noticing the large shift. But I guess it just comes down to their true motive. If it's just pure money then they wont care, if they care about longevity of the hobby then this isn't the way to go in my eyes.
When you are paying $300+ a box and pulling a Players Ink auto that sells for $30 no wonder its driving people out of the market.
Best piece of advice is let others break down the boxes and buy up the singles you need at a fraction of the cost of a case.
I'm sure $2800 will pretty much buy you all the cards in the release your team has!
On another note away from the issues of today !! Does anyone know who the case cards are in this set and how many there will be.
Thanks in advance
Retailers in the past have probably bought 80-90% of stock and no one had dramas getting boxes I ran case shares every year so people could get boxes cheap, apart from supremacy I can’t remember select ever pushing so hard for people to buy through there website and when people missed out the retailers got the blame for buying all the stock, if retailers were still allowed to buy what they have in the past we wouldn’t be seeing what’s happened today, and this would be the 1st year in how long you haven’t been able to buy casesHow'd you feel if you didn't get your cases Brendan and missed out online?
Well that's probably how the collector's are feeling right now.
Not everyone knows and retailer or wholesaler like you do.
Even more frustrating for them is seeing flippers get 70% of the market and a rubbish post from Tony on behalf of Grant.
And hearing some who got wholesale even got some online whiles others missed out. How's the greed!
People are well within there right to be annoyed.
The Collector got screwed today and it isn't right!